Jador! (Just Another Data ORganizer !)

Jador! allows to manage a database table stored in an XML file. With it's Swing forms, you can easily manage the structure and the content of the table, but also perform advanced searches. This Java based software runs on all platforms.

Jador! is a simple, but convenient tool. For example, I use it to manage my DVD and CD collection. In this case, I have a table with 12 fields and about 700 records. With this table, performances are very good.

Sourceforge Jador! page

Supported languages:


Jador! offer following features:


Before using Jador!, you must ensure that:
Then, you just have to dowload the 'jador.jar' from the Sourceforge Jador! page, and double-click on the jar to launch the software.

Known limitations:

You may encounter display problems if:
(These figures are for a 1024x768 screen resolution)

Jador! has not been tested with a great number of records.


English Launch form:

French Launch form:

English Admin form:

English Input form:

English Search form:

Search results:

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